Edit Actor

In an enhanced Eco Cast, you can update any individual actor  before  forwarding the package to your reviewers.  In Attached Actors, click the Edit Actor link under the headshot to perform these operations:

Change photos

Select a new thumbnail photo from the profile or from your computer. To pick a new photo:

  1. Click Change Photo, then click on a picture or upload one from your computer.

  2. Select a new photo and click Use selected
    Click Browse to upload  a different photo on your computer.

  3. When you have selected the photo you want, click Use selected.

Performance videos

For future release

Casting notes

To add a note that the recipient will see, either click in the Casting Notes space, or use this menu. When the t4ext box opens, write your note and click Save casting notes.

To edit,  click on the note.

Change role

Add a role or change the role you are submitting them for.

  • If a role was associated with an actor when the Eco Cast was created, the role name appears in italics under the actor’s name.