Enhanced: Viewing the Eco Cast Web Page

When you open an Eco Cast casting package, you find the name, thumbnail, role, and casting notes framed at the bottom of the page. This lets you scroll through them without losing the title and casting notes at the top of the page.

Click on a headshot to open that actor’s audition and review these elements.
Note:    If there is no content for one of the tabs, it will be grayed-out.

The page opens on the Video tab with the option to switch to Photos or Notes. 



 The résumé appears in a frame of its own. This lets it remain open in front of you while you study the other elements.


The Video tab displays a list of all the videos that casting attached for this actor. The audition videos appear at the top of the list, followed by anything from other sources.

  • Click on any thumbnail to load the video into the viewer on the other side.

  • Right-click to play the video at full screen. You’ll need the latest Flash Player (9.0.28 or later) to make this work. Go to http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/ to upgrade if necessary.


The Photos tab shows all the photos that Casting has attached for the selected actor. 

  • Click on a thumbnail to load the photo into the viewer. 

  • Double-click on the thumbnail to open a printer-friendly version in a new window.

  • Clicking on the photo in the viewer will also open the printable version.


The Notes tab displays any notes the Casting Director entered about the actor. These notes are not part of the actor’s permanent profile, and can’t be altered. They can only be seen by someone with access to the Eco Cast web page.