Your Eco Casts

This page displays a list of all saved Eco Cast packages created under your login. Click on any title to open it.


A check mark shows the Eco Cast has been sent. You can continue to add videos to any Eco Cast as long as you want, even after it has been sent.


The Type column shows what method you used to create it.

S = Simple

E = Enhanced


The name you gave the Eco Cast package, not the title of the breakdown


The date and time you started putting together the Eco Cast.


The last time you made changes to this Eco Cast.


Only Enhanced Eco Casts are associated with a particular Breakdown. For Simple Eco Casts, this column will be blank.

Click the trash can icon to delete the Eco Cast.

NOTE: A deleted Eco Cast cannot be retrieved.

Click the file box icon to archive the Eco Cast. It will disappear from the Current list.

Search for

Enter a title or project name in this box to find one or more Eco Casts.


Select Current, Archived, or All and click Filter to display only the selected Eco Cast types.
Click Reset to restore the unfiltered list.



 Creating an Eco Cast
