Recording Your Video Audition

Some Dos and Don'ts for self-taping your audition


DO treat this audition exactly as you would if the Casting Director were in the room.

Be professional and prepared.  Treat this audition as seriously as if you were physically in the room with the casting director. Be sure to follow any directions you have been given.

DON’T use a web cam.

As easy as it is to just sit in front of your computer and read the sides, it looks terrible.  Ideally, get a digital camcorder that fits your budget, and have a friend operate it for you.

DO use a backdrop.

If you can, perform in front of a plain, solid-colored curtain—the waves in the fabric will provide depth and perspective.  A good second option is a blank wall.  Any objects in the background can distract from your performance, so clear away any clutter.  Also, make sure to wear a color that neither blends in nor contrasts too sharply with the backdrop color.

DON’T rely on overhead fluorescent

You can make it work with overhead lights, if that’s all you’ve got.  But be aware that bright overhead lights create deep shadows on your face which can make you look older or change your appearance completely.  Also, fluorescent lights tend to make things look a bit yellowish-orange. If possible, use incandescent lights (bulbs with filaments).  


Ideally, you want two lights: a key light set off the side of the camera and pointed at your face, and the fill light set to the opposite side of the camera a little further away and pointed at your side.  Just be careful not to over-light, or you will look washed-out and unhealthy.  In a small room, you may be able to get by with just one light.

DO find a quality reader.

Whoever is giving you your lines should read well and practice with you. Make sure they stand behind the camera or directly next to it so that you are performing towards the camera. Casting wants to see your face!  Never, unless Casting specifically requests it, show your reader on camera with you.

DON’T do more takes than Casting asks for.

Casting has requested a certain number of takes or scenes.  If they want one straight take and one over-the-top, do them, but don’t do more than is asked for. This could be considered presumptuous, and you don’t want to damage their opinion of your other takes based on that. Follow any directions closely.



blue_glass.jpg  Video Export Settings

blue_glass.jpg  Responding to an Eco Cast invitation