Responding to a self-taped invitation

When a Talent Representative opens the Eco Cast invitation, you see a list of your clients and the roles they’ve been asked to audition for.  The invitation also includes any video, sides, and other files the casting director wants you to use.


You can act on the invitation in these ways:


 Upload Videos

 Forward to selected

Decline invite

If a client is not available for the project:

  1. Click Decline Invite, then OK to confirm.
    The next dialog box lets you give the casting director a reason for declining.

  2. Enter your optional text and click Decline.

Upload videos

If multiple videos are requested, you can send up to five video files for each actor. All videos for an individual actor must be submitted together. However, each actor's videos can be sent whenever they're ready.  Each video clip can be no larger than 100 mb.

NOTE: Be sure to use only the best take: once you have submitted an actor's video, there is no opportunity to make any changes.

When you’re ready to send videos to casting, click the Upload Videos link.

When you click Upload Video the uploader appears:

  1. Click Attach Video and select the file from your computer. The upload starts immediately.
    If you have more than one, you do not need to wait for the processing to complete before selecting another file.

  2. When you are done, click Back to Invitation.

Back on the invitation page, all your uploaded videos appear under Pending Eco Cast Videos. (If you don't see them, click Expand.) You can upload client videos  as they come in or wait and do them all at once.

Forward to selected

You may want to allow some or all of your clients to respond directly to the invitation. In that case:

  1. Click the checkbox for the appropriate actors, and click Forward to Selected.

  2. In the dialog box, click the link next to an actor's name to give them permission to submit directly to the Casting Director. By default, all videos must first be approved by you, to allow you the option of requesting a retake if necessary.

  3. Enter an optional message that will accompany the forwarded invitation.

  4. Click Forward.



 Creating an Eco Cast casting session

 Recording Your Video Audition

 Video Export Settings