Selecting a Project

When you click Start an Enhanced Eco Cast, the Select a Project page appears. On this page you set up the Eco Cast and decide what information you want to include.  When you’re ready, click Continue.


Create Title (Required)

Enter a memorable title that will make it easy to tell one Eco Cast from another. It can be as long as you want but only the first 30 characters will show.

The name does not have to be unique, but the system will prompt you if it isn’t.


Enter any notes that describe or explain the over-all package. 


You must select a breakdown if you want to add actors by schedule or role.

The Breakdown list shows all the active projects you have in the system. (The newest one is on top.)  If the project is not listed with Breakdown Express, click Continue.


Add actors to Eco Cast by

You can add actors and videos to the Eco Cast in a variety of ways:


Click Continue and go to Manage Actors. This lets you add actors to the package even if they haven’t auditioned.

From an audition schedule

Click By schedule, then select a session from the Select Schedule drop-down list.

Note:  If you are including only actors who confirmed their audition times, check Use confirmed actors only. Otherwise, all the actors from that time slot will be used.

By role

Click By role then:

    • Check which roles you want to include in the Eco Cast.

    • Check one or more of the numbered boxes to include selects for the role.
      : The 1, 2, 3 boxes will appear shaded if you have assigned numbers to selections for this role.

From the clipboard 

Click From the clipboard and any actors currently on the clipboard are displayed. When you click Continue, any  actors currently on the clipboard will automatically appear on the Manage Actors page.




blue_glass.jpg  Managing Actors

blue_glass.jpg  Assembling the Package

blue_glass.jpg  Audition Invitations

blue_glass.jpg  The Eco Cast Web Page
