Enhanced: Managing Actors

The Manage Actors page lets you manage the actors you have selected for your Eco Cast. You can add actors even if they have not  auditioned for you, including those who are not in the Actors Access database.

You can also use this page to  change their display photo, enter or change the role you want them for,  attach audition videos, and make any other notes.

Use this page to:





This icon indicates that the actor is in our database. Click on an actor’s name to open their profile. If there is more than one:

  1. Check the option button for the one you want to use.

  2. Click Choose Selected Actor.


Click this icon to delete the actor or group from the casting package.


sort by name
sort by group


The default arrangement is according to scheduled groups.

Click Sort by Name to re-arrange the actors in alphabetical order.

Click Sort by Group to return to the default.



  1. Add actors

  1. To add actors from the clipboard to your the current Eco Cast, go to the Details page.

  2. To add actors to the list manually:

    1. Click the +Add Actors button.

    2. Enter or paste one or more names into the text area, separated by commas. Be sure to enter both the first and last name for each actor.

      Note: You can enter a partial name and let the system search for an actor this way.

    3. Click Add Actors.
      The system tries to match the names to actor records in the database. Click on a name to add that actor to
      the Actors list.

No match

Any names that do not match our records are simply added to the list . No profile, photos, or other information is available.

More than one match

If there are two or more actors with the same name, or two profiles for the same actor, you can make sure which one’s which by clicking on their names to display their profiles.

When you’re sure, check the circle next to the one you want to use.


    1. To display any profile, click the actor’s name. All available matches will appear on the right-hand side. 



Delete actors

To delete an actor from the Eco Cast:

    1. Click the trash can icon 3 next to the actor’s name. 

    2. When the confirmation message appears, click Delete actor and continue or Cancel.

      This only removes the actor from this Eco Cast. If you delete anyone by accident, click Add Actors and add them again.



  1. Enter a role in the box under the actor’s name. If the Eco Cast was created for an existing breakdown, the roles are already associated with the actors, but you can change or add them, if necessary.


Use this space to add any notes about the actor that you want the Recipient to see.


Change photo

  1. If the Eco Cast is based on a project, the default photo for each actor is the one that was used in their submission. 
    If the Eco Cast is not based on a project, the system displays a photo if one is available in the database. Either way, you can change the photo if you want to.

    To change the photo:

    1. Click on the displayed headshot.

    2. Click another picture in the actor’s profile, if available.
      Click Upload New Photo to choose one from your computer

Screenshot Method

  1. You can select a frame for every video you attach. By default, the system selects the first frame. You can change the screenshots later, if you change your mind.

    The selected method applies to  all the videos in the list. Choose First Frame, I’ll Upload My Own, or None. The method will be applied on the Details page.  


Attach Videos

  1. Click this button to locate and attach videos. All selected videos will be displayed with filename, size, and estimated upload time. 


    1. Click the actor’s name then Attach Videos.

    2. When the dialog box opens, select one or more files from your computer and click OK.  When the Add Actors page reappears, it displays the video files you selected. If you added the wrong file, click the 3 icon to delete it

    3. Select another actor and repeat steps 2 and 3.

    4. When you’re finished selecting video for all the talent, click Upload Videos & Continue.

The system automatically uploads and encodes all the videos to your Eco Cast web page.  Depending on how many you’re uploading, this can take a few minutes.

A progress status bar of the display shows:

      • Video being uploaded/encoded

      • Percentage complete

When the upload is complete, the Details page appears.



blue_glass.jpg  Selecting a Project

blue_glass.jpg  Assembling the Package

blue_glass.jpg  Re-order Actors

blue_glass.jpg  Attached Actors