Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Eco Cast in general. For more specific questions, see:

blue_glass.jpg  FAQ Simple Method

blue_glass.jpg  FAQ Enhanced Method

blue_glass.jpg  What If...?


What is Eco Cast?

Eco Cast is a method of uploading your audition videos to a website (hosted by Breakdown Services) where your directors, producers, or anyone who needs to, can review them.

What does Eco Cast do for me?

Eco Cast lets you:

Who is it for?

Casting directors who use digital video to capture their audition sessions and want to share the results.

What do I have to have before I can use Eco Cast?

First you need a computer and the video editing software of your choice. If you don’t already have it, you also need Adobe Flash Player.See


What media formats can I use?

Eco Cast supports files from digital cameras, camcorders, and cell phones in these formats only:

.mp3   MP3 Audio Files
.mp4 MP4 Files
.avi Video File
.mov QuickTime Video
.mpg or .mpeg MPEG Video
.wmv Windows Media Video
.flv Flash Video


Do I need any special training to use it?

We assume you’re already familiar with using digital video to record auditions, using e-mail in business communications, and the casting side of Breakdown Express. So for those things, no.

Other than that, using Eco Cast is fairly straightforward, with a link to help on each page

Do I have to be a Breakdown Express subscriber to use Eco Cast?


Which kind of Eco Cast should I use?

It depends on how much information you want to send on:


Upload videos and send a link for one or more actors. No other information is included except whatever is slated on the video.


Attach videos to a project, schedule, and actor profiles, and send the link. This method involves more steps and takes more time, but provides more information.

This format also allows you to invite talent to submit self-taped auditions.



Does Eco Cast keep my audition videos on file?

Yes, until you decide to delete them.

Can I select any frame as a thumbnail picture for the video?

Yes. You can let the computer select the first frame, or use your computer’s video editing program to select a frame and save it. You can upload any graphic from your computer.

How do I know my videos are loading?

A progress status bar at the bottom of the display shows:


I upload the QuickTime (.mov) files and the system encodes them, but when I play back the encoded files, it stops partway through. Sometimes just the video stops, sometimes just the audio, sometimes both. How can I get it to work?

If this happens (audio, video, or both):

1. Go to the QuickTime File menu and choose Export.

2. Select Movie to QuickTime Movie.

3. Save the file again.

An added benefit is that this also  tends to create a smaller file, which will upload even faster.


Do my casting recipients need a password to see the Eco Cast videos?

Not necessarily.  The password is a security option available when creating the Eco Cast.

What is a custom URL?

The system creates a web page for your Eco Cast, and displays the URL (web address) for you on the Confirm Details page.  You can customize this URL to make it more personal and less “techy” if you want.


What is an expiration date?

You may want to limit the amount of time the Eco Cast is available to your recipients.  On the Confirm Details page, you can click the pop-up calendar and choose the date, or enter it by hand.

Can I see who has opened my Eco Cast e-mail?

Click the Show History or Recipient Viewing History button to see:


I just gave someone the URL over the phone.  Is there any way to know if they used it?

If you give out the link by phone or regular e-mail, we have no way of tracking it.

What does the actor or representative see when they get my Eco Cast cMail?

When an actor's representative opens the cMail, they will find:

When an unrepresented actor opens the cMail, they will see the same things but not an Invited Actors list



blue_glass.jpg  FAQ Simple Method

blue_glass.jpg  FAQ Enhanced Method

blue_glass.jpg  What If...?