The Actor Record

On the You can perform a number of functions right on the individual actor's record:


You may already have marked your actors 1-2-3. When their audition videos come in,  you can use the A-B-C-Viewed buttons to rate or group them. Use Viewed to indicate you've reviewed the video even if you don't rate it.


Click the envelope icon to add this actor to your message queue. The icon changes when you click it.

Eco Cast

This icon shows the status of the invitation:

  • Sent

You have sent this actor an Eco Cast invitation.

  • Opened

The actor/talent rep has opened the Eco Cast but not responded.

  • Declined

The actor/talent rep has declined the invitation.

  • Received

You have received a response from this actor or their representative

 For more details on this feature, see Sending an Eco Cast Invitation


Click the checkmark icon to select the actor for various operations. 


Click the actor’s name to review their profile and résumé.

Edit actor

Click the Edit Actor link  to open the Edit menu and change the photo, add notes, or change the role.

Manage video

Click on a video in the actor’s record to display the Manage Video button. Click  Manage Video to open the menu.